Saturday, January 23, 2010

140 University

Jane Hart has a blog I like called E-Learning Pick of the Day.  She just started a very interesting little service she calls 140 University which offers a variety of educational nuggets every day on a whole variety of topics.  You might want to check out a few topics including Engineering, Technology, and History.

Basically, these nuggets are 140 character snippets that can be received either via Twitter or Facebook and contain a URL link that takes you to a webpage that expands on the nugget.  You can also read them right on the home page at 140 University.  For instance, the Engineering entry for January 19th was:

Isambard Kingdom Brunel, a British engineer, was the creator of the Great Western Railway and numerous bridges
Her concept goes under the heading of "I Wish I Had Thought of That".  Kudos to Jane.

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